In these cases, a professional cleaning from an ENT and audiologist at regular intervals can help to keep the ears free, and clear of wax build up.

However, for some patients the ear is not as effective at self-cleaning due to the ear canal's size and shape (e.g., very narrow or curvy ear canals), surgical changes in the ear canal, or other reasons. For most people, there is little that the ear needs as it is generally self-cleaning. As an audiologist, I'm often asked about the best methods to clean ears or remove earwax. If you're looking for ways to clean the ear, plenty of safer and more effective methods exist. Instead, it is a mixture of candle wax and material from the wick. However, material analyzed in the 1996 study showed no ear wax in the candle stubs. People sometimes claim that the substance left on the inside of the ear candle at the end is debris removed from the ear. What about the remnants on the candle? Isn't that ear wax? Therefore, it's essential to proceed cautiously and consider whether ear candling is in your best interest. If the wax drips directly on the eardrum, burns can result in perforation of the eardrum or other unpleasant side effects.
Ear candling skin#
Now imagine having a burn on the delicate skin of the ear canal. We've all experienced that when accidentally touching a hot burner or stove and how uncomfortable it can be on your hand or finger. Hot wax can cause burns on delicate skin.

The outer two thirds of the ear canal is cushioned by cartilage below the skin, but the skin over the ear canal closest to the eardrum covers the bone directly and is extra delicate. The skin in the ear canal is quite sensitive. Outside of spilling hot wax in your ear canal (which can occur during the procedure), ear candling has a few other risks. Is it dangerous outside of spilling hot wax? In addition, as the middle and inner ear are located behind the eardrum, the ear candle does not impact this part of the ear. Conditions that affect dizziness, imbalance, or ear infections in the middle ear space are best managed by an ENT and are not affected by the ear candle. The American Academy of Otolaryngology advises against ear candling due to its potential for harm. No, ear candling does not help with ear fullness, infections, vertigo, tinnitus, or other ear conditions.